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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Here we are at the Chicago airport. In September we got to take a vacation together to Ohio. I got to meet his family there. It was so much fun, even though for the first half of the flight Chris was teasing me by telling me the Phalange fell off. In case you were wondering there are no Phalanges attached to the plane. But they are your fingers and toes. Ohio was so green and pretty i loved it. I can't wait for our next vacation together!

Kisses caught on camera!

Say Smooches

So basically we are PRO at pulling FuNnY fAcEs!

Chris.Chris.Chris Good grief this boy makes me laugh. He loves to try random things with his hair. This time it was a mohawk, and no joke it was like 5 inches tall. We just laugh whenever i straighten his hair, but only because he loves it!

Chris and Me at Roy Days fireworks last year. I'm a huge fireworks fan and can't wait for Roy's fireworks on Saturday! This is probably my favorite picture of us... so far :)
chris Made with My Cool Signs.Net
and Made with My Cool Signs.Net
keisha Made with My Cool Signs.Net